Day 15: Homeward bound


Goodbyes are always the hardness, especially on Ukraine's Independence Day. Our last morning in Ukraine was a difficult one as we had just finished our VBS camp the day before. We had wished to spend more time with the kids after, doing more visitations, but our schedule meant we had to come home this weekend.




Hanne had left the centre at 2 am in the morning for her flight from Budapest to Norway, and we found out she had just crossed the border at 8 am. That meant she had waited at the border for 5-6 hours, and we may also be expecting a long wait time at the border as well. At 10 am, we left the HOM, and we decided to try another border crossing via Slovakia, but we were also met by a long line toward the border. It took us around 4-5 hrs before we got through and another 3-4 hrs of driving before we stopped for dinner at a Hungarian buffet by the highway. When we arrived at our hotel in Budapest, it was around 8 pm. We were all very thankful for Valera's driving!


Many people waiting in line at the border…

Many people waiting in line at the border…

The next morning we drove through the city and got a quick peek at the famous river and the castle as we headed to the airport. We were praying our flight itinerary would be 'confirmed' this time. It was. However, our flight from Budapest to Toronto was delayed, and we realized we will have 15-30 minutes gap in making it to our next flight to Calgary. Surely enough, as we landed in Toronto, we notice we had been put on a later flight. We were a little disappointed as we were all pretty tired and groggy. As it turns out, this new flight to Calgary was another blessing in disguise. Our original Calgary flight was also delayed, and that flight landed 45 minutes after us. We got home earlier! It is funny how God bookended our trip by re-arranging our travel again; continually teaching us to trust in His unexpected planning. It is a constant reminder for us that it is Him to walk before us and lead us forward, not the other way around. It is not our plans, but His, and that is how missions should be done no matter where we go. See you next year!

Day 14: Last night at HOM

After an exciting week at Mercy Camp, everyone gathered at the House of Mercy for a final celebration. New and old faces gathered as people lined up to share encouragements, reminisce the events of the past two weeks, as well as memories from previous years. Tears, laughter, smiles, and stories were shared as we ate pizza on the terrace. How amazing is it to see the children who attended camp from a decade ago now step up and lead their own camp!? The fire in their hearts are truly encouraging to us and a testament of God’s love.

A dance to celebrate the VBS week!




We capped off the night with our usual game of volleyball, although we knew this time, we wouldn’t be able to ask for a rematch when we lost. After a game, we were surprised with a teen we haven’t seen in a couple years, ERIK! We were able to catch up and listen to what God has been doing in his life over the past few years! The rest of the evening consisted of goodbyes and hugs. It’s never easy to leave Ukraine, but we know this isn’t goodbye, but a see you again. Our love of Christ is what keeps us close even though we’re continents away.


Daniel, Hanne, and myself ending up sitting outside on the terrace late into the evening with a couple of the teens at HoM. Bohdan serenaded us until midnight as we gazed off into the starry night not knowing any of the constellations in the sky.

Building stronger relationships is a primary reason why I go to Ukraine. It’s been over 13 years since SCCEFC first came to Uzhgorod and every year we have our summer family reunion. We get to see our brothers and sisters, our aunts and uncles, our nieces and nephews, and that neighbor who just shows up because they heard that our family is amazing and want’s to be part of it. Our family in Christ is amazing, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter your language or age, your hobbies or skills, we can all find joy knowing that the one thing we all have in common in greater than all the differences we have. Слава Богу

Day 14: Children VBS camp — Day 5




Today we woke up on the last day of the VBS camp. We prepared the camp to make sure that the children will receive the best day of VBS. When all of the children came, we shared the lesson about helping and caring for others. There was even an extra 15 minutes of reflection time so that they can talk and share about their experiences. Then for most of the VBS day the kids went in groups to their stations consisting of crafts, missions, games, and singing. I was helping a leader run the craft station and I saw how happy the children are as they were decorating their slap-on bracelets with stickers and sharpies.




Nearing the end of the VBS camp there was a taste around the world theme. It looked great as there were well decorated boxes filled with different types of food from all the continents. The kids also had a great time as well going from place to place trying everything. I enjoyed being with the kids and the joy they have after being at the camp. I got to see how God’s message has gotten to them as they sing the songs that were from the VBS camp to each other. Seeing this made me very glad that the children got an opportunity to go to this camp and have a fun experience.







Day 13: Children VBS camp — Day 4




Day 4 at the camp was a special day as we focused in on the Gospel story as well as the leaders' testimonies and stories in their small group. We added a second reflection time for the groups and prayed the stories of these leaders will declare what God has done in their lives. These leaders are invaluable to the camp, not because of what they do for the kids, but who they are to them: People who care about them, who wants to play with them, who see them as made in the image of God. This camp is a place where they can be present in these children's lives. We continue to pray for these children in hopes that a seed is planted.


Today the weather is cooler at 28-30c with a light breeze, it was the relief we needed this week. Much of our prayer request for this trip was for cool weather and today was a prayer answer! The outdoor games station benefited the most, and everyone had a great time with the games!

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As it is our last night at the campsite, we had a campfire worship night. It was a beautiful way to end of the night.



Sweet Stories: Berries

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Growing up, how did you get pocket money? Here at the House of Mercy, the youngest of the youngest children (4-5 years old) REALLY wanted some pocket money. Mama Anya had an amazing idea! Let’s get them to pick some blackberries in the back yard! If the children are able to fill a full cup, the HoM will ‘purchase’ the juicy berries for 5 hryvnia (1 CAD = 20 UAH. 5 UAH can get you a large handful of candy or a bottle of pop). Everyday during the summer, the children are diligent in finding more berries, and the staff at the HoM have been eating berries after, before, and during every meal! Some of the teens even learned how to make jam with the fruits! The children get to learn about the value of money and the staff get tasty treats every day.

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Day 12: Children VBS camp – Day 3

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We woke up to another hot day with the temperature reaching 35c again for the second day in a row. The leaders were well rested, but it was obviously that the heat did a number on everyone yesterday. It’s encouraging to see the leaders continually dive out of the shade to play with the children. As we continued our adventure around the world, we learned that God made everyone look and act differently but because of God’s love, we are to love everyone!

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Once again, the drama was a highlight! We were a little worried as one of the actors, Vitalik, had his driver’s exam today and told us he might not make it, but not only did he pass his exam with flying colours, he made it in time to get pranked on set! Praise the Lord!

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We wrapped up the day with CRAFTMANIA! Half the children got to make cute little animal containers, while the other half made yarn turtles! 

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Please continue to pray for cooler weather! Also, please pray for the teen leaders as tomorrow they will be sharing their testimonies with all the children as we talk about how Jesus is the reason why we are saved and can have eternal life. 

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Sweet Story: Volleyball

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Do you ever wonder what we do in the evening? We play volleyball every night! There’s a built-in beach court and everyone, including the staff, comes to the campsite to play a couple games after dinner. Usually we have three teams competing following King’s Court rule, and it’s always overly competitive. We wish we could say that the Canada team wins lots of games and represents our home country well, but we don’t. Calvin and Hanne (our Norway Friend, please refer to previous posts or flip back to 2012 for a photo) are our star players, with me (Daniel C) usually being the reason why our team is losing. Maybe the mission committee should have a prerequisite of all future STM members be volleyball players………. ;D

We are all very thankful we have this time to play and bond with both the staff and teen leaders. The days here are packed, but playing volleyball is something we look forward to every evening as we get to laugh, sweat, and cheer as a family of God. There is no better way to spend an evening here at Gyta Camp than this.

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Day 11: Children VBS camp — Day 2

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Today was another scorcher with temperature up at 33-36c. As we move toward each stations, we can sense the heat draining the energy out of the kids. The game station is definitely the toughest as they are out in the football field. We are continually impressed by how these young adults are taking up the leadership of the camp and making it their own. I was delighted as I watch the drama team here, they brought so much energy and their own take on the VBS drama. The result is Oscar-worthy!

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We ended the camp day with team cheers, and all the groups did an awesome job at their presentation!

Our prayer request is for cooler weather this week! Pray that God will provide us cover in this hot weather.



Day 11: Pool Time

After the second day of VBS camp, we decided to go swimming to cool off and relax. Me, two team members and half of the teen leaders went into a van and headed to a lake. This lake is popular and there were other people going for a swim. It was on of those lakes where there are cliffs bordering the lake so most of us could jump in. There was even a cliff jump that was around 40 feet high but we did not go there since it looked a bit dangerous. However, we still had fun jumping off 15 feet high cliffs and doing some swimming races. The experience was fun and the water was actually cold even with the hot 30 degree weather. After around 30 minutes of water fun we headed back to the van and had a restful ride back to the camp.

Day 10: Children VBS Camp – Day 1

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We kicked off the second half of our time here in Ukraine with the Youth Leaders running a Bible camp for children in the surrounding community! As you all read yesterday, we spent last night setting up decorations and preparing for the week. 

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This morning after breakfast and team prayer, the children started to roll in! We had over 80 children show up! The camp is blessed to have two amazing opening assembly leaders, Flora and Mark! Their chemistry and teamwork captivated the children as everyone learned about the creation story and origin of sin. Split into 12 small groups, the children then visited four exciting stations. These stations are Craft, Sport, Singing, and Mission (where the children get to learn about other children around the world and the unique struggles they deal with). 

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We ended off today’s camp with a Broadway level theater presentation performed by Vasya, Oksana, Kristina, Vitalik, and Sergey. The children were so entranced! Their attention didn’t stray for a single second during the performance!

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Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for Day 2.  We will be learning about the ramifications of sin, but how we all have hope in Jesus Christ. Pray for the children to understand the true cost of sin and how the only path to heaven is through God’s one and only Son. Pray for the leaders to have energy throughout this week and that they’ll be able to connect with the children on a deep level. 

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Day 9: Precious Sundays

My time being here is precious.

One of the greatest gifts from going on short-term missions is the opportunity to worship with the local congregation. Every time we are here at the local church, I am reminded of what worship will be like on the other side of eternity. It is an experience of distinctive cultural flavour that points to the one God who speaks to all culture and people group. Even though our languages are different, we worship the God who call us to be his people. These diverse worship experiences are something I will treasure for the rest of my life.

Today I was able to bring a short greeting and message to our Ukraine brothers and sisters, speaking about the next generation through the Psalms. As the worship unfolds, I notice several of the songs was from the 90s. They were worship songs that I had first learned when I was a youth in my youth group. Never would I have imagined that many decades later I would be singing these songs in Ukraine.

This is part of the joy of being on STM. It opens our eyes to how precious our Sunday worship is, whether we are at home, or abroad, especially abroad.

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Day 9: VBS Preparation at the Campsite

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After church, we came back to the House of Mercy to prepare our luggage and head to the camp. We had some rest and we discussed about how to prepare the teen leaders. Then when the bus came, we put all the bags in the back and headed to the camp. At camp we set up some foundations for a ziggurat poster using some wood boards, wood bars and screws. After that, we had some dinner which was barbeque and a soup that was very tasty and everybody loved it. We then had a meeting with the teen leaders explaining the logistics of the camp and some inspiration messages. Then we split into our camp stations and prepared the camp grounds for the VBS tomorrow. Overall this day went very well and I enjoyed preparing and spending time with one another. I feel very prepared for the kids and sharing God’s word to them through the concept of the “Incredible Race.”





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Sweet Story: Cabbage Rolls


We had another treat today! After listening to Calvin and Vasya preach at church, we came home to a very delicious traditional Ukrainian meal! Голубцы, or in English... CABBAGE ROLLS. They take lots of work to make as the cabbage leaves first need blanched in hot water before being filled with rice, meat, and spices. They are then rolled up into bundles of joy then slow cooked to perfection! Having cabbage rolls as a meal is always something the team looks forward to every year and we are blessed to have it again this year! We truly feel the love we get here at the House of Mercy!

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Day 8: Teen Training and VBS prep #2


We spend the day with our teen who will be leading small groups and the different stations during next week's VBS. Each group was given more time to practice their lesson plan as well as present their day 1 lesson plan to everyone. All of us are looking forward to seeing them all in action next week! Please pray for these teen leaders, that God will continue to strengthen their faith and give them words to speak as they lead the children.


For lunch, we had a big pizza feast to thank our teens who have volunteer their much of their time to be at the camp!

If you leave you phone unattended (aka. Dan Chow), there is a chance it will be filled with many new pictures/selfies afterward!! ;DIf you leave you phone unattended (aka. Dan Chow), there is a chance it will be filled with many new pictures/selfies afterward!! ;D

If you leave you phone unattended (aka. Dan Chow), there is a chance it will be filled with many new pictures/selfies afterward!! ;D

Day 7: Staff Retreat #2


On the second day of our staff retreat, we provided some more space and time for staff discussions. In the morning, we had devotion and worship as well as more competitive team building games! The staff spend the morning discussing their digital strategy for the kids, and in the afternoon, they discuss their respective ministry and departments as well as their future directions. The retreats are certainly one of our favourite time spent with the staff as it not only provides time for their discussions but also for us to fellowship with them. Our team is blessed to be with them this past two days.

Our prayers for them is that God will continue to direct and provide for their numerous ministries, whether it is resources, vision, unity, and most importantly, rest.


At the end of the retreat, we send the staff off for an appreciation night/date night! We love these brothers and sisters, and we hope they and their family are blessed.


Sweet Stories: Donut Day

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Today we had a special treat! With the help of some boys at the HoM, Milka made everyone HOMEMADE DONUTS! Somehow, she found the time in between taking care of children, doing laundry, and comforting crying kids to make both traditional powdered sugar donuts and fig jam filled donuts! Someone on our team (not naming names, but rhymes with Melvin) had 5 donuts! We weren’t the only ones that loved the summertime treat, all the children definitely enjoyed the light and airy pastry.

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Day 7: Parents Away! Kids Play!

After another restful night, everyone was back to tip top shape, including our friend and honorary team member from Norway (never been there, but I hear it’s beautiful) Hanne! The HoM staff were at their retreat again, so Daniel, Daniel, and Hanne had the delight to just play with the children. Thankfully older teens came to help, and Marsha planned this AMAZING scavenger hunt to kick off the day where the children ultimately found the treasure consisting of delicious candy. It was a joyous day of dancing, singing, laughter, and fun! Read some short snippets below, but we promise we will be sharing more in person when we return back to Canada!

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Daniel P. spent a large part of his day being the ultimate berry farmer. Not only did the children swarm him due to his ability to reach high places where the juiciest berries were, he was also able to throw them up in the air and catch them, which Little Vasya loved! As each day passes, we all get to experience new adventures with the children and grow a little closer together.

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Although we didn’t have designated singing time today, the speaker was on playing camp songs all day. Our God was a huge hit, followed by Jesus in the Boat. Everyone wanted the speaker as close to them as possibly so that they could sing along and do the actions!

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When it got a tad hot outside, the children went inside to decorate their MAKEDO project! As usual, Lucas drew a giant machina (car) and others joined in as well to add colour to the castle. How lovely is it to see all the children working together!

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One main reason why the children were super excited today was that all the boys got a new hairstyle, including our own Daniel C! At the end of the afternoon, all the boys looked very handsome with their new haircuts, with some even getting cool designs shaved into the sides of their heads. Oksana worked overtime to ensure the girls all got their hair styled as well! There was no one that didn’t look fresh, fashionable, or fabulous!

Day 6: Staff Retreat #1


The staff retreat is one of the highlights of our trip as we get to fellowship and spend some focused time for the staff to meet and discuss the progress of their organization. It is one of our mission priority to facilitate such retreat; a designated time where they can be together without any distractions or time restraint. It is a time where each of them can share their concerns, success, and future hopes for the ministry.


On day one, we had a time of worship and devotions, followed by a team-building game. Crystal then led a session from Orange's Parenting Through The Phases. The rest of the day was spent discussing how they can navigate the digital world with the children and teens in the centre.


We love the staff here at HOM; from the teachers, mothers, social workers, to the directors. They have sacrificed all of their lives in reflecting Christ's love by serving their community. We pray their bonds will continue to grow deeper and wider as God blesses their ministries.

Day 6: Kids Play Day

The night before day 6 had some hardships. There some of us that couldn’t sleep, there were dogs fighting outside, and the bugs were biting. However, it was okay because we woke up the next morning feeling energized. Me (Daniel Pun) and Daniel Chow relaxed with the kids while Crystal and Calvin went with the House of Mercy staff for a retreat. We sang songs with the kids and we also played field games with them. All of us had lots of fun and we spent lots of time with each other. Then we had free time where the younger kids were jumping on the trampoline and the older kids were playing volleyball. At other times, we played board games like “Fruit Punch” and “Spot It”. I felt energized through this fun experience. The kids got to have nap time so that gave me some time to nap time as well!

Stay tuned for the Staff Retreat Update!


Day 5: Presentation Day

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After two streaming hot days, we were blessed with rain and clouds! Although we were hit with heavy rain, it did not dampen anyone’s spirits. Everyone was out and about getting wet, slipping and sliding around. 

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The “Growing Up” camp came to an end today, and the children had an opportunity to present what they have learned during the first half of the week. They have been practicing servant-hood by making gifts for the HoM staff and they couldn’t wait to show their creativity to everyone. Each gift was hand delivered to the staff and included candy treats, a personalized message, and bible verses to encourage them with. 

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The younger group of children then showed off their MadeDo Project, which was a GIANT CASTLE! They constructed and decorated it yesterday with teamwork and creativity, and they were so proud of what they created. They were ALL able to fit inside with room to wiggle!

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The three pairs of older children then presented their three projects. Slavka and Peter made a “Useless Box”, which as the name suggested, doesn’t do anything except for when you turn it on, it turns itself off. Vasya and Misha made a vortex marble run, with Timothy and Martin making a rollercoaster marble run. These were not easy projects, but all three groups stepped up and created structures they could be proud of. 

We start our first day of staff retreat tomorrow! Please pray as Crystal and Calvin facilitate discussion with the HoM staff.