Agapeland 周末儿童聚会
2024年9月14日 至 2025年5月24日
下午4:30 至 下午6:15
Agapeland 是南播的周末儿童聚会,我们透过圣经课程、游戏和手工艺品去激发孩子们的好奇心,以适合不同年龄的方式去帮助孩子们认识神和圣经。我们希望鼓励孩子们透过尊重及关心自己和他人,在日常生活中实践圣经中的教导。 Agapeland 提供一个安全和友善的环境,让孩子们可以与神、相同年龄的朋友和导师们建立关系。我们希望在 Agapeland 中见到您的孩子!
对象: 幼儿园至小学六年级的小孩
日期: 每年九月开始,每个月第二和第四个星期六
时间: 下午4:30 至 下午6:15
地点: 南卡城华人播道会 / 副堂 - 大组敬拜 + 报到
收费: $70
请于您第一天参加 Agapeland时带同您的注册费用(现金或支票)。支票收款人名称为 SCCEFC并将您小孩的姓名填写在备注栏。请于您第一天参加 Agapeland时带同您的注册费用(现金或支票)。支票收款人名称为 SCCEFC并将您小孩的姓名填写在备注栏。If you would like to pay by credit card (2.7% fee) or debit card (10 cent fee), please visit the welcome counter in the lobby on Sundays between 10:45am-11:15am. 如使用电子转账,请您从款项发送至 [email protected],并包含以下资料:
Agapeland Payment
所参加团契: (如:Little Lamb)
安全问题: SCCEFC
答案: 2024AGL
Agapeland 2024/25 时间表
9月14日 - Agapeland 开始*
10月12日 – 暂停一次 (感恩节)
12月14日 - 圣诞市集
12月28日 - 暂停一次 (圣诞节)
3月08日 - 运动/保龄球之夜*
3月22日– 暂停一次 (Spring Break)
5月24日 - 年终庆典*
*家庭活动 - 我们鼓励你们一家人一起参与这些活动!
Claire Chang
[email protected]
Little Lamb (小羊) [幼儿园]
Little Lamb (小羊) 适合五岁就读幼儿园的小孩! 孩子们透过圣经故事、手工艺品、游戏和许多有趣的活动来培养他们与神和朋友的关系。通过小组讨论,孩子们之间和他们的导师将会建立更密切的关系!
Little Lamb (小羊) 每年集中在两个不同的主题:祈祷和主的名。
It is important that kids to know early in their lives that they can talk to God just like they can talk to their mommy, daddy or a best friend. We hope kids will know God, not just know about Him. We hope they will hear from God, not just hear about Him. In this curriculum, kids will learn about prayer: how to pray, what can I pray for, and when can I pray.
In the Bible, God is known by many names; these names define him--as Creator, Protector, Friend, Healer, and Savior to name just a few. We learn more about Him when we study these names and where they are found in the Bible. The Third Commandment says, "Do Not Misuse God's Name." Through the study this year, it is our desire that children will learn new respect and honor for the God we serve!
报到: 副堂 (Chapel)
接送: Room N003
Shooting Star (流星) [一至二年级]
Shooting Star (流星) 适合小学一至二年级的小孩。在聚会中,我们会唱歌、上圣经故事课、玩游戏、制作手工艺品、小组时间,以及其他活动去帮助孩子了解和爱神。我们的目标是营造一个环境,让孩子们在享受乐趣和建立友谊的同时,可以安全地提出有关信仰的问题。
Shooting Star (流星) 每年集中在两个不同的课程: 英雄训练营课程 (The HERO Training Camp curriculum) 和 甜圈饼人课程 (The Donut Man curriculum)。
The HERO Training Camp curriculum follows the life of a Bible character named David. It teaches the kids how to become a hero for God just like David. It also teaches the kids to follow the promptings of their conscience through the power of the Holy Spirit. Captain Star is also a frequent visitor who leads kids in a “Hero Time” where kids can hear from real life everyday heroes and participate in activities that help the community.
The Donut Man curriculum reminds kids to “do not forget” or rather “Donut Forget” important aspects of living as a child of God. During each program, the kids get a special visit from Donut Man who introduces the “Donut Forget” phrase such as, “Donut Forget to Worship God” or “Donut Forget to Obey the Bible”. The kids then explore Bible stories that are relevant to the “Donut Forget” phrase as well as participate in various activities that reinforce the learning point of the program.Description text goes here
报到: 副堂 (Chapel)
接送: Room N005
Amanda Lui
[email protected]
Meghan Ng
[email protected]
Faith Knights (信仰武士) [三及四年级]
Faith Knights (信仰武士) 是适合三至四年级的团契。每次团契聚会时,我们都会唱有趣的歌曲,然后花时间与我们的小组建立关系。我们希望透过不同的活动、游戏、手工艺和故事,用神的话语装备孩子,让他们的信仰继续成长。
Faith Knights (信仰武士) 每年集中在两个不同的课程: 释放的马匹课程 (The Free the Horses curriculum) and 神的军装课程 (The Armour of God curriculum)。
The Free the Horses curriculum focuses on learning about self-esteem. It teaches that we are special because God made us, so understanding that is the beginning of self-esteem. When we recognize that each of us is unique in God’s eyes, our sense of self-worth and ability to take responsibility for our actions will grow. In Free the Horses, we meet a girl, Kelly, as she sets out on a quest to free some wild horses from captivity. Along the way, she meets new friends and learns to handle problems in a positive way.
In the Armour of God curriculum, kids learn that although we can’t touch or see the spiritual realm, it’s as real as the rest of our world. A battle rages between Satan and the followers of God, but in the end, we know that God will win the war. The Bible instructs us to guard and arm ourselves against attacks, specifically with the Armour of God.
报到: 副堂 (Chapel)
接送: Room N009
R.O.C.K. (依靠基督的孩子) [五及六年级]
R.O.C.K. (依靠基督的孩子) 是适合小学五至六年级的团契。我们透过各种的活动和课程,以帮助孩子们学习如何爱神并信靠祂。我们希望装备好孩子们,依靠着基督去帮助他们适应由小学过渡至初中的转变。
R.O.C.K. (依靠基督的孩子) 每年集中在两个不同的课程: 年轻的和平使者课程 (The Young Peacemaker curriculum) and 抓钩课程 (The Grapple curriculum)。
In The Young Peacemaker curriculum, children will learn how to prevent and resolve conflict in a constructive and biblically faithful way. We will focus on sharing the principles of decision making, confession, forgiveness, communication, and character development. To accomplish this, we will be learning conflict resolution skills through a variety of games, skits, and other stimulating activities. The leaders will assist kids to learn the lessons and answer any of their questions or concerns through small groups. Your children will take home comics that review the lessons they learned during the program so that they can continue to remind themselves about conflict resolution skills throughout the year.
The Grapple curriculum focuses on tackling tough questions that kids might encounter going into junior high. Some of these topics include: Where did God come from? How come I’m not perfect? Why doesn’t everyone go to heaven? How do I know if the Bible is true? Preteens need truth. The Grapple curriculum aims to help them find it. These lessons grab the attention of the kids of R.O.C.K. and will teach them to search the Bible for answers and build a faith foundation that guides wise choices.
报到: 副堂 (Chapel)
接送: N007
Caleb Wong/Ivana Cheng
R.O.C.K. 统筹
[email protected]