In August 1988, about 30 members responded to the church planting vision of the North Chinese Evangelical Free Church, started a church in the south side of Calgary, which is known by the name of South Calgary Chinese Evangelical Free Church (SCCEFC). For the first nine years, all services and activities were held in a school. Until October 1997, we moved to the current premise. During these times, we also planted two churches, the NE Chinese EFC and New Life Mandarin EFC. We now have three congregations: Cantonese, Mandarin & English.
SCCEFC is an evangelical free church, belongs to Canada EFC Prairie District and member of the North America Chinese EFC (ANACEFC).
We pledge to dedicate ourselves to God so that He can use us to build a church after His will to change our lives, to impact others, to reflect His love in serving others to do our utmost to spread the Gospel, to transform Calgary with God’s Words. We pledge to build for eternity