Give Online

  1. Obtain your offering number by emailing [email protected]

  2. In the required text box, enter the designation of your funds:

    -Desig. Adrian Cheuk (AC)
    -Desig. Brother Dong (BD)
    -Desig. House of Mercy (HOM)
    -Desig. Yi Yang Song (YS)
    Any unassigned funds will be added to SCCEFC’s General Fund.

  3. You have the choice to give a one-time offering, or setup monthly recurring offering.

Please note: your offering amount will be netted with processing fees (2.8% + 30¢).


  1. Obtain your offering number by emailing [email protected]

  2. Sign On to your financial institution's online or mobile banking.

  3. Select “Interac e-Transfer”:
    This will take you to the Send Money page.

  4. Set up a new contact:
    Add SCCEFC using the email account [email protected]

  5. Enter amount and account:
    Enter the amount you wish to give and select the account you’d like to transfer money from.

  6. Enter a Message:
    Enter the following information in the message.
    Full Name:
    Phone or Address:
    Desig. Adrian Cheuk (AC): Desig. Brother Dong (BD): Desig. House of Mercy (HOM): Desig. Yi Yang Song (YS):
    Note: Any unassigned funds will be added to SCCEFC’s General Fund. The funds will be debited from your account within 3 days of the e-transfer being sent. (Desig. = Designation Fund )
    Message Example:
    Full Name: APRIL KM JUN
    Phone or Address: 340 39 Avenue SE
    Mission: 50
    Design. HOM: 50

  7. Enter a security question with an answer:
    The Security Question will always be
    Question: Offering Number
    Answer: Your personal 6 digit Offering Number

    *E Transfer service charges are dependent on the bank of the individual.