How will I give today?

Our application for this Sunday’s message is to help you, our church members, take a step toward the practice of giving with intentionality and meaning. Our church provides various ways where you can give your time, presence, and financial resources to those in need outside of our church walls.

Step 1: Read through the opportunities listed below.

Step 2: Fill out the action plan form at the bottom of the page, stating one or more ways you would like to practice giving and engaging with those in need.

Step 3: Once you submit the form, P. Calvin will email you later this week to encourage you and ask about your action plan. We want to help you succeed in applying this important teaching!

Step 4: Throughout the week, pray and ask God to reveal to you a specific person or people group that He wants you to give to and engage with. Be ready and sensitive to whom the Holy Spirit will place in front of you as you go about your week. It may be a stranger or someone you know, but whoever they may be, pray for the Spirit to refine your motives in your encounters.

If you have any questions, contact [email protected]



01 Manna Community Pantry

Our church’s local Manna Community Pantry provides free groceries to individuals and families in need.

This is a great chance to serve as individuals, as a family, or together with your small group alongside brothers and sisters from all congregations to draw near to individuals and families in our local Calgary community.


There are 3 different roles to the volunteering program:

  • Procurement: Volunteers will collect all the food items from the Spinz-A-Round central warehouse on Tuesday mornings.

  • Packaging: On Tuesday afternoons, once the food is delivered to the church, the packaging team will bag/box the collected items for the clients.

  • Distribution: On Tuesday evenings, volunteers will greet and interact with clients when they come to the church to pick up their groceries.

When: Every Tuesday

  1. Procurement at the Spinz-A-Round warehouse: 7:30am-11:00am

  2. Packaging at the church: 11:00am-2:00pm

  3. Distribution at the church: 3:00-6:00pm

* The MCP ministry is funded through our church’s Mission ministry. You can designate your offerings to the Mission fund if you would like to financially support this project.



02 Create a benevolence project!

Did you know you can create a giving project through our church? Working with your fellowship counsellors, pastors, deacons, or life group leaders, you and your group can craft a benevolence or charitable project through our church’s Ministration Fund. (i.e. donation matching for a crisis/relief fund)

Our church’s Ministration Fund was created to support homegrown benevolence and charitable initiatives and projects. The recipients can include members of SCCEFC, members of a church or local community, and local and global organizations.

What creative idea can you and your fellowship come up with? How would you creatively combine selfless giving and drawing near to those in need?

*The buttons below are Word Doc files



03 Give with purpose!

Here are a few, non-exhaustive, local and international charities and relief funds that you may consider giving to. Read over their mission, pray about the families and individuals they impact, and give as the Spirit leads you. But don’t stop there! Consider how you and your fellowship can step into these organizations as volunteers.

My Action Plan


Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7