12.11.2022 Family of God (2 Corinthians 6:18)- Pastor Randy
Scripture Passages for Further Study
Ephesians 2
Romans 12
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Questions for Thought & Discussion
Am I a part of God’s forever universal family? How do I know?
Do I contribute to the household of faith (the local church)? In what ways?
What is my motive in living the life God has called me to live?
This Week’s Application Activity
Ask God to reveal our motives to us in regard to living for him. Go near to the Lord to listen. Then respond and ask that God’s spirit will fill us with the beauty, love, peace and joy of Jesus in all things we do.
Proverbs 16:2
“All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord.”
12.04.2022 Pastor Calvin
11.27.2022 Hearing the Voice of God (Psalm 29)- Pastor Adriel
11.20.2022 A Holy and Set Apart People - Pastor Adriel
Scripture Passages for Further Study
Isaiah 6:1-5
Romans 12:1-2
Leviticus 16:25
Questions for Thought & Discussion
How have you understood the holiness of God?
In what ways is God calling you to greater “alertness” and “sober-mindedness” when it comes to living according to the way of Jesus?
What former evil desires may be creeping at your doorstep and how will you respond in a way that does not conform to them?
If a co-worker, neighbor, or school friend were to describe you, would it set you apart in the way that God has called you?
This Week’s Application Activity
Write down 10 practices in your life that are actively setting you apart as a person called to the way of Jesus. Think about how a non-believing friend or family member would describe you as “different”.
11.13.2022 Who I am in Christ - a child of God - Pastor Trevor Brawdy
11.06.2022 The Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12) - Pastor Randy
10.30.2022 Identity & Culture - Pastor Randy
Scripture Passages for Further Study
John 4:1-42
II Corinthians 5
Romans 12:1,2
Questions for Thought & Discussion
What different cultures in your life impact who you are?
What struggles do you have in these cultures in terms of living out your faith?
How does the culture of the church influence you?
This Week’s Application Activity
Take note of the different cultures in your life and evaluate your mindset, behavior and how you decide to participate or not participate in those culture’s values and practices.
We are in this world, but not of this world!
10.23.2022 Identity: Friend Choices - Pastor Calvin
Scriptures: Proverbs 13:20
10.16.2022 Identity: Our Physical Presence - Stephen Pun
Application Activity:
Set aside 10 minutes of your time for a quiet moment.
Reflecting back on this message, what are some of your “outward appearance” focuses?
Read Samuel 16:7 SLOWLY a couple of times (e.g. 5 or so). First, read it aloud, and then read it in your mind.
Quiet down and reflect on the passage. What are some of the areas God wants to work in your heart?
Ask Him for strength and guidance on the works He wants in your life.
10.09.2022 Give Thanks For The Abundance - Pastor Calvin
Scriptures: John 6: 1-15, Psalm 100
Questions for Thought & Discussion:
This Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for?
What do you have that you see as abundance?
Are there any circumstances, things, or people, that are causing you to be discontent and “unthankful”?
Is Jesus the root of your thankfulness today?
10.02.2022 Identity: Success and Failures - Pastor Randy
Scriptures: Philippians 3:3-10, Hebrews 12:4-11, Romans 8:34
Questions for Thought & Discussion:
How do you define your success and failures?
How do you usually respond to success and failures?
How does your walk with Jesus help you deal with these ups and downs?
09.25.2022 Personality Plus - Pastor Randy
Scriptures: Psalm 39, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Galatians 5:22-26
In what settings do you feel you can be yourself?
How has God used your personality to help others?
Where have you seen the Lord refine your personality?
09.18.2022 Who I Am - Pastor Randy Rohrick
Scripture Passages for Further Studies
* Psalm 139
* Psalm 8
* Genesis 2:4-25
Questions for Thought & Discussion
1. What are the implications of God knowing everything about you?
2. What are you learning about yourself?
3. What do you see as your strengths and gifts that God has given you?
This Week's Application Activity
Determine how you can learn more about yourself!
Before a word is in my tongue, God knows what I am about to say.
09.11.2022 Heart to Heart - Pastor Randy
Scripture Passages for Further Studies
* Matthew 6:25-34
* Proverbs 17:17
* Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
* Hebrews 10:25
Questions for Thought & Discussion
1. What color best describes the color of your heart and why have you chosen that color?
2. What would you say your top 3 priorities are?
3. What does the way you live your life say your top 3 priorities are?!
This Week's Application Activity
Consider each moral, directional and relational decision you make each day and determine whether or not they are governed by scriptures and your priorities.
We should not only listen to God’s word but live it out.
09.04.2022 Running Away From Our Labour - Pastor Calvin
Scriptures: Isaiah 30:15-16, Psalm 90:17
Questions for thought & discussion:
What kind of rest will make yo “whole”?
Why is it so hard to rest from our work? What are the reasons we hold on to our work? What does that say about how we view ourselves and our identity?
Have you ever thought about the day when you truly vacate your work, what will you do in those seasons of your life? If you become unable to work? What will your purpose and identity be? Discuss this with your life group.
08.28.2022 - Child Dedication
08.21.2022 Forgiveness Over Resentment - Pastor Calvin
Scriptures: Genesis 50:16-21, Genesis 42-45, Matthew 6:9-15
Questions for thought & discussion:
Have you experienced forgiveness from others? How did it feel? What was the result?
Have you forgiven others when they have wronged you? What made you take the step to forgive them?
What can we learn about forgiveness and reconciliation from Joseph and his brothers?
What can we learn about our Father’s forgiveness from the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32)?
What is the difference between “Forgiven because we forgive others,” and “Forgiven as we forgive others?”
08.14.2022 Promotion and Blessing - Pastor Adriel
Scriptures: Genesis 41, Philippians 2:1-11, John 3:22-30
Questions for thought & discussion:
How does God’s desire for our “flourishing” differ from our world’s “promise of promotion”?
To take it one step further, does the strength of your faith rely on a sense of prosperity and power over surrender and submission to the will of God?
08.07.2022 Run From Temptation! - Pastor Randy
Scriptures: Genesis 39, II Samuel 11, I Corinthians 10:13
Questions for thought & discussion:
What sin tempts you the most?
How do you usually deal with this temptation?
What do you know will help you overcome this temptation?