06.18.2023 - Father's Day - Pastor Randy
Scriptures: Psalm 103, Matthew 7: 9-11, Matthew 6:8
Questions for thought & discussion:
What is it about the fatherhood of God that brings you the most encouragement?
What characteristic of our Heavenly Father is the hardest for you to emulate?
What is it about your earthly father that has the most influence on your life? Is this a good or bad thing?
This week’s application activity
Take time to offer praise to our Heavenly Father, giving specifics of reasons for worship, and encourage an earthly father who is facing challenges these days.
Becoming a father is simply biological. Becoming a godly father takes faith, compassion and courage.
06.04.2023 - Be Aware - Pastor Calvin
Scriptures: II Thessalonians Chapter 1 & 2
05.28.2023 - God's Good Ideas - Pastor Randy
Scriptures: I THESSALONIANS 5:12-28, JAMES 1:5, PSALMS 119:105
Questions for Thought & Discussion:
1. What area of my life is bringing me the greatest amount of decisions?
2. How am I going about making these decisions?
3. How do I handle a word from the Lord when it goes against whatculture may be saying or even what I ultimately desire?
This Week's Application Activity
Talk to a trusted person who you know is walking with God and share with them your dilemma in decision making and how you are going about this process. Then ask for their thoughts/opinions and/or good ideas!
God’s wisdom, choices and good ideas are based on His love for us.
05.14.2023 - Radical & Ordinary - Pastor Calvin
Questions for Thought & Discussion:
Reflecting on your life, how are you setting yourself apart for God?
What is the difference between just being taught and being taught by God?
Reflections: In all areas of your life - work, school, family, friends, church, city and play. How are you pursuing holiness; how do you please God in these areas of your life?
05.07.2023 - God’s love, faithfulness, and provision - Pastor Calvin
Scriptures: Thessalonians 2:17 - 3:13
Questions for thought & discussion:
What do we learn about God through this passage of Paul’s letter?
What is the importance of persecution and sufferings in a Christian’s life?
Remember: In times of trouble, anxiety, or distress, seek God’s strength. Jesus knows and has experienced all the trails and persecutions, and his strength is also for us to lean into as we experience our seasons of persecution and suffering. Don’t stop seeking God’s strength in prayers!
04.30.2023 - Growing Together - Pastor Adriel Lui
Scriptures: Acts 16-17 (Passage Context); Romans 12:3-8 (The Church & its parts); Ephesians 4:11-13 (Gifts and Equipping the Saints)
Questions for Thought & Discussion:
Reflect on the past 6 months. How have you been actively growing in your faith? What situations have allowed this to happen? Does it involve leaders? Community? A troubling circumstance?
How does the Christian worldview inform who you are as a person, a friend, and a leader in your own life?
In your own life, are you more concerned about pleasing people or pleasing God?
God has a unique vision for His people, South E Free to be growing together in faith.
04.23.2023 - Am I Somebody's reason for Thanksgiving? - Pastor Randy Rohrick
Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 1: Galatians 5:22,2; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8: Matthew 5:13-16
Questions for Thought & Discussion:
Who are you thankful for and why are you thankful for them?
Who do you think might be thankful for you and why?!
What difference does it make in our life when others are thankful for us?
This Week’s Application Activity:
Come up with your top 5 values that serve a s a road map for your life. Then determine how living out of these values will influence others .
“ Reputation is what men and women think o f us; character is what God and angels know o f us .” - Thomas Paine
04.16.2023 - The Supremacy of God - Pastor Randy Rohrick
Scriptures: Isaiah 55:8,9, Genesis 50: 15-21, Romans 8:28
Questions for Thought & Discussion:
What is your version of plan for your life?
As you consider your past, has a plan B turned out to be a good thing?
Do you think as your future unfolds that you will trust God no matter what?
04.09.2023 - Joint Easter Worship - 「See and Believe」John 20:1-10, 29 Pastor Calvin
04.02.2023 - English and Cantonese Joint Worship - The Perfume, The Palms and The Donkey - Pastor Randy
Scriptures: John 12: 1 -19
03.26.2023 - The Blessings of the Narrow Way - Pastor Calvin
Scriptures: Matthew 7:7-28
03.19.2023 - Plank and the Speck - Pastor Randy
Scriptures: Matthew 7:1-5
Scripture Passages for further studies: Matthew 7:1-5, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Romans 15:7
Questions for thought & discussion:
Do I see myself as a judgmental person? Why or why not?
Am I aware of a plank or a major moral flaw that is keeping me from living the life Christ has called me to live?
Am I free to assist another with a minor struggle they may be having in their life? What is the best thing I can do for them?
03.12.2023 - Why do you worry? - Pastor Adriel
Scriptures: Matthew 6:19-34
Scripture passages for further studies: Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 23, 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10, 1 Peter 5-7
Questions for thought & discussion:
On an average day, where does your heart find its home? Earthly treasures or heavenly treasures? In other words, where do you find your mind gravitating to most often?
Would you consider yourself a “worrier”? What sorts of things cause you to worry the most? Is it our finances? Your children? Your school?
In what ways does God’s command of “do not worry” seem realistic or unrealistic to you?
03.05.2023 - The School of Prayer - Pastor Randy
Scriptures: Matthew 6: 5-18
Questions for thought & discussion:
What draws you to what these passages teach us about prayers?
Why might it be important that you personal time of prayer is to be kept in secret?
What challenges do you face when it comes to prayer?
What difference does heart-felt prayer make in your walk with God?
02.26.2023 - Giving to the needy - Pastor Calvin
Scriptures: Matthew 6:1-4
How will I give today?
Our application for this Sunday’s message is to help you, our church members, take a step toward the practice of giving with intentionality and meaning. Our church provides various ways where you can give your time, presence, and financial resources to those in need outside of our church walls.
Step 1: Read through the opportunities listed below.
Step 2: Fill out the action plan form at the bottom of the page, stating one or more ways you would like to practice giving and engaging with those in need.
Step 3: Once you submit the form, P. Calvin will email you later this week to encourage you and ask about your action plan. We want to help you succeed in applying this important teaching!
Step 4: Throughout the week, pray and ask God to reveal to you a specific person or people group that He wants you to give to and engage with. Be ready and sensitive to whom the Holy Spirit will place in front of you as you go about your week. It may be a stranger or someone you know, but whoever they may be, pray for the Spirit to refine your motives in your encounters.
If you have any questions, contact [email protected]
02.19.2023 - Exuberant Love - Stephen Pun
Scriptures: Matthew 5:38-48, 1 John 4:12, Hebrews 12:1
Questions for thoughts & discussion:
Do you want to be Christ’s disciples who will truly live out this “next level living”?
Do you want to experience the perfection of God’s love and be a part of it?
02.05.2023 - Handling Our Anger - Pastor Adriel
Scriptures: Matthew 5:21-26
Scriptures passages for further studies: Ephesians 4: 26-31, James 1: 19-20, Proverbs 15:18, Genesis 4:1-12
Questions for Thought & Discussions:
Is anger something you’ve given time to intentionally process in your life?
How might anger be acting as a warning flag for you today? Has it become sinful?
In what ways do Jesus’ words against anger that harms others (and ourselves) give you insight into a difficult situation or correction in your life today?
01.29.2023 - Jesus fulfills the Law - Pastor Calvin
Scriptures: Matthew 5: 17-20
01.22.2023 - Salt & Light - Pastor Randy
Scriptures: Matthew 5: 13-16, James 1:22-25, 11 Corinthians 5:11-21
Questions for thought & discussion:
When it comes to sharing your faith, what one word best describes your feelings?
Do you believe it is a high priority for us as followers of Jesus to share the love and story of Christ with others? Why or why not?
What are the needs of pre-Christians in your world, that you can help meet?