A message from our Parish Nurse

Did you know that our church has a community nurse?! Here's a message from our interim Parish Nurse, Kristen:

Ryan, our Parish Nurse will be on sabbatical from January to June 2022. During this time, I will be helping cover some of his responsibilities by following up and continuing the care for cases he has ongoing. Most of what I will be doing is supporting the individuals who are already connected with Ryan. However, I am available for anyone from all three congregations who would like support with medical appointments, home visitations, mental health, health care/social service resources, etc. I will also be available as a resource and support for the Stephen Ministers and leaders of the Fountain of Love fellowship 活愛中心團契. If you are in need of any support due to COVID-19 infection and/or isolation, please feel free to reach out to me. Feel free to contact me anytime at [email protected] or (403) 243-2770 ext 216.

Walk with our Pastors

The Bible often compares life to a walk, because life is a journey; we’re not sitting still. Throughout the New Testament, we are told to walk in wisdom, love, light, and obedience. We’re told to walk as Jesus walked.

Our year-round Invitations to connect! We know these times are tough and connections are not easy to maintain, this is why your pastors are always available to connect in whatever format that works best for you! Here are a few ways to connect with us:

  • Invite us to your Life Group or Fellowship!

  • Sign up to Walk with a Pastor!

  • Give us a call, an email, or a Zoom chat!

  • Drop-in to the church, we are usually in the office on Wednesdays!