Discipleship Ministry Fall 2023

Are you ready to be a mentor or to be mentored? 

Making disciples is one of the primary functions of the church. Jesus commanded his followers this “Great Commission” before he ascended back to Heaven, and the Church, from its birth, moved on this task with laser focus. But what is a disciple? In essence: A DISCIPLE IS SOMEONE WHO KNOWS AND OBEYS JESUS AND HIS TEACHINGS.

And so discipleship is the process and journey of growth for followers of Jesus. It is a journey taken in a church community (i.e. mentors and fellow disciples), with a purpose and a goal, and with discipline and commitment. It is a journey where you move with purpose.

What does your Journey look like?

Everyone’s discipleship journey is different, and discipleship happens in all our various ministries, but our church also wants to make disciples with intentionality!

Our discipleship ministry is an intentional framework for each disciple to grow with a personalized plan and purpose. Imagine our framework like the framing of a house. The church provides the frame, but the disciple and the mentor/coach fill in the walls, design, and material.   If you are interested to find out more about our discipleship ministry click on the link below!   Questions?  Contact [email protected]

Summer Interns 2023

Meet our summer interns of 2023, Nathan (L) and Zechariah (R) who will be helping out our Children’s Ministry and Youth - thanks guys we’re so excited to have you! Read on to get to know them a little more!

Nathan Law

My name is Nathan Law and I am one of the two summer interns working at the church this year. I am a Grade 11 student at John G. Diefenbaker High School. One thing that I am looking to take out of this internship is a greater understanding of how working formally would look like inside of a church.

What’s something non-interesting  about yourself?  

When it is winter, I shovel the snow on my driveway.

Your most embarrassing moment?

My most embarrassing moment was getting caught off guard in a picture taken at one of our youth events. This picture was later uploaded to the church Instagram, prompting my friends to point out my awkward appearance (sorry Nathan!)

What’s your idea of an ideal vacation!

My ideal vacation would be going to a beach resort and living in a luxurious suite with a stunning view of the ocean, topped off with meals that would include fresh seafood as well as tropical delicacies.

Last book you read?  

The most recent book that I have read is Finders Keepers by Stephen King.

What compelled you to want to be summer children/youth ministry intern?

The main reason why I wanted to be the summer interns this year was because I wanted to understand how the work environment would look like in a church. Growing up in the church, I've always seen the things that happen on Sundays such as the sermons but I have never seen the “behind the scenes” of all these things so I wanted to try it out and I felt like it would be a great environment for me to learn and to grow! I’m also passionate about children’s ministry and I feel that nurturing their spiritual journey is one of the most important ways we can lead them to a long lasting relationship with God! 


My name is Zechariah. I am one of the Summer Interns at SCCEFC this year. Currently, I am a grade 11 student attending Lord Beaverbrook High School. 

What’s something non-interesting about yourself?  

When it's summer I mow the lawn.

Most embarrassing moment? 

When I cut the front of my hair by myself and walked around for two months with a bald spot on the front of my hair.

What’s your idea of an ideal vacation?

Going to Singapore and getting to see Changi Airport.

Last book you read? 

"This Changes Everything" by Jaquelle Crowe

What compelled you to want to be a summer children/youth ministry intern?

I chose to work as an intern so that I could gain practical knowledge and first-hand experience while developing my relationship with Christ.

Bible Camp Month of Prayer

Our summer kids Bible camp in July is fast approaching! For the month of June here is a calendar you can use to pray for the 114 kids who signed up for camp and for all our volunteers and leaders! Questions? Contact [email protected]

Dubai Missions Trip Sign Up

Dubai SMT: The Dubai Short MissionTrip, coorganized by SCCEFC and One Circle, is now rescheduled to September 6-13 (8 days). The main goals of this trip are experiencing the culture in a muslim country, supporting the local churches built up by missionaries, and also sharing gospel with the male Chinese workers and/or African women. The total estimated cost of this trip will be around CAD$3400. Each participant will pay half of it on his own and raise money by sharing the vision and needs with others to pay for the remaining half. You can click on this link or scan the QR code on the promotion slide for accessing enrolment form. We welcome all SCCEFC's brothers and sisters who are aged 16 or above to enrol on this trip. And we will conduct an interview for each applicant. The deadline of enrolment is Apr 30 17:00.