EMOT Mother's Day Feature: Ren

We would like to introduce you to our English Ministry Operational Team (EMOT): Pastor Randy (lead), Pastor Calvin (assistant), Pastor Adriel (youth), Stephen Pun (chairperson), James Pan (worship deacon), Renee Tung (outreach deacon), Ashley (outreach deacon) and Glenna (care deacon). The EMOT is here to serve our English congregation church family! We thought it would be fun to ask the team about their moms leading up to Mothers Day. Meet Ren and her mom! 😍

*What was your relationship like with your mom growing up and what is your relationship like?*
Definitely as time goes on we are able to develop a deeper friendship. One thing that doesn’t change is how she always knows what I need before I ask

*What is something she always says?*
Something she always says to me recently? In order of frequency
1. Comb your hair
2. No, you can’t leave Aubree (dog) with me while you work/travel
3. It’s better to be kind than to be right

*What is your favourite memory with your mom?*
Not sure about favourite.. but she created her own “summer school” program and got each of us to grade each other’s work .. prime example of work smarter not harder

*What is something your mom did/does that you would love to emulate with your own family?*
Resilience and Joy! Her steadfastness in Gods greater purpose and truly living out what joy and freedom there is in trusting in His plan through the thick and thin.

*What would you like to say to her?*
What if Aubree doesn’t sleep on your bed, can she stay with you then??

*Now that you’re on your own, what do you appreciate most about your mom?*
Am I really on my own yet though - I’m confident on the EMOT team I still get the most home cooked meals by mom! 😁