Discipleship Ministry Fall 2023

Are you ready to be a mentor or to be mentored? 

Making disciples is one of the primary functions of the church. Jesus commanded his followers this “Great Commission” before he ascended back to Heaven, and the Church, from its birth, moved on this task with laser focus. But what is a disciple? In essence: A DISCIPLE IS SOMEONE WHO KNOWS AND OBEYS JESUS AND HIS TEACHINGS.

And so discipleship is the process and journey of growth for followers of Jesus. It is a journey taken in a church community (i.e. mentors and fellow disciples), with a purpose and a goal, and with discipline and commitment. It is a journey where you move with purpose.

What does your Journey look like?

Everyone’s discipleship journey is different, and discipleship happens in all our various ministries, but our church also wants to make disciples with intentionality!

Our discipleship ministry is an intentional framework for each disciple to grow with a personalized plan and purpose. Imagine our framework like the framing of a house. The church provides the frame, but the disciple and the mentor/coach fill in the walls, design, and material.   If you are interested to find out more about our discipleship ministry click on the link below!   Questions?  Contact [email protected]