Day 12.7 - A passport saves the day!

After our visitation that day we were invited to Valery's home for dinner. As we arrived at his house we notice there were a uniform officer and some unfamiliar faces. Vasya smiled and ask if we have a passport, all of us thought Vasya was joking as everyone was laughing. Then we found out somebody in town reported us to the border/custom officers (they reported Ivan's license plate; he was driving us to visitations), people thought we were illegal immigrants. As it turns out a lot of Asians travel through these mountains on their way into europe. And harboring such individuals here is a big (black market) business... It doesn't help when the punishment is only $30 for harboring one...IMG_4291

Thankfully Andrea kept her passport with her... the officer only need 1 passport to make sure we are legal travelers...


... back to the BBQ...


... the most popular summer drinks (of all ages) here... It taste similar to beer (made from barley/wheat?), but no alcohol.


Mark and Amie took me to the back yard to show me the big dog... oh dear...



This sums up our adventure of the evening... As night approach and thunderstorm came through...