Our Photographer

We team members would like to attribute all the amazing photos you've seen to our teammate and talented photographer, Calvin. He has that "eye" for detail and is able to capture so much in a single image....many thousands of words have been portrayed in these photographs!One of his focuses is to capture what is "real".....real emotion, real time....even if, at times, it is really unflattering. Not that we mind of course. However since Calvin spends so much time behind the camera, you'll have noticed there are very few pictures of him so we would like to share a couple photos capturing the real man behind the camera.

It's tiring work having to always look out for great image opportunities and carrying heavy equipment! And under harsh conditions too...note the distinct farmer's tan.Camera Man

...it's work greatly appreciated by all...especially by his wife.Camera Man 2

=)  But seriously....THANK YOU Calvin for hauling your precious camera everywhere to capture the images you did. The pictures and all the stories they tell have been and will continue to be blessing and encouragement to many.