Day 2 Roma Camp summaryWe thank God for the weather for 2nd day. It was a lot cooler with overcast and occasional sun. We were grateful for the weather as it allows us to stay focus more. First day was tough to get all the teens focus. In the morning, we prayed during the the team devotion time.
In singing time, we decided to add the Ukrainian sounds to the English song to help the teens to get to sing better with the song.
God answered our prayers and worked among the teens. They were a lot more focus and into the program. Today we continue to learn about David and his life through drama, play and singing.
Bin did a great as our main teacher today. Andrew continued his wonderful song leading with the teens. We had to reinforce a lot of the rules as there were teenagers wants to test the boundaries.
In life skill project, girls learnt about knitting and boys learnt about wood work. We had a great time together.
In leadership training, they continue to learn song leading and drama. Here are some more snap shots...for the second day...