Saturday Hiking/BBQ photos

Today was a hot, hot day but full of fun with the kids.  We spent it hiking through some property that the House of Mercy owns & then finished it off with a BBQ with the kids.  Below are some pictures that highlight some of the things from the day.Vasya hiking

Here Vasya is showing us the land that House of Mercy owns.  You can see the expanse of land that we've partly hiked over :)


Here are Vasya, Lisa & Colin hiking up the hill in the hot sun with many of the kids already ahead of them.


On the left is Josef Matolchi & on the right is Josef Silakova enjoying their time out at the BBQ.  Our team loves both of these boys as they've grown up to be very respectable, helpful & mature young men.


The top left picture shows plums that the children pick & eat along the hike.  On the right are some juicy berries, also safe for eating & very delicious!  The kids would pick them for us constantly & encourage us to eat with them :)  Below is a photo of what we ate for dinner tonight- Kolbasa sausages, potatoes & some tomatoes & cucumbers.




