This Sunday we will be sharing in the English and Cantonese service. And we will be sharing with the latter congregation through this video:[vimeo width="600" height="338"][/vimeo]
Introducing the.... 2010 House of Mercy Team!
Praise the Lord that we have a team of seven going this year: Pastor Allan, Crystal Wong, Jeff de Leon, Esther Chan, Pauline Kwong, Eunice Tan and Kitty Yim.This year our team got off to a later start and we are leaving a few weeks earlier than in previous years. It has therefore been a real whirlwind rush to get everything ready for our trip before we leave July 1. As usual God has been so gracious and abundant in His supply of resources. God has provided more than our target financial goal (surplus of $1200) and as well an abundant supply of resources. Praise the Lord!Our weekly team meetings have enabled us to plan our two week camp. The first one is a gospel camp and the second camp will be a discipleship/leadership camp. Praise God again for His enabling presence as we work together as a team.
Coming Events:1. Packing Party - The team will be getting all our items (teaching materials, resources, craft supplies, gifts, etc.,) out and going to try to place them into our luggage on Tuesday, June 29th, 7:30 pm at the church chapel. You are welcome to come to help or to cheer us on!2. Send off - We fly out on Thursday, July 1st Canada Day. We are meeting for prayer at the airport chapel at 9:00am and we invite you to come. That's where we will pray and say our goodbyes. Hope you can come out. :)
Prayer Items:1. Health – Pray for our physical health that we would stay healthy through our time now and when we are there. Pray for our spiritual health: that we would stay close to God in spite of our busy schedules and for our devotional study on leadership. Pray that we would lean upon the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit.2. Perfect weather - as always, continue to pray for great, mild, rainless weather for our camp so that the kids can focus, we as leaders can focus and so all the activities will run smoothly.3. The Holy Spirit to go before us and soften kids' hearts to hear God's truths during the camp.4. Team unity - as we organize and change plans, that we have complete patience and love for one another. That we would continue to grow spiritually in praying together.5. Travel: that we can make all our flight connections, have fun traveling as a team, and that no luggage will get lost.6. Pray for the House of Mercy Staff as they host us, the children who will be attending the camps and all our helpers.
Stay tuned for regular updates.
21 Days (actually it's 20!)
Congregation Sharings
Our Team video for the english congregation:
[vimeo width="640" height="360"][/vimeo]
Chinese congregation:
[vimeo width="640" height="360"][/vimeo]
Go.Mercy. Bulletin Insert!
Look for our bulletin insert in the upcoming Sunday Services (English/Mandarin/Cantonese)! And for our out-0f-town supporters, we encourage you to print one up and stick it on your fridge! Download the PDF to Print!
Frantic Promo Prep
This week is our team's frantic preparation for our presentation to the Cantonese / English / Mandarin congregation. We are also in the mist of setting up the display for the foyer as well as inserts for the various bulletins. Look for us this coming Sunday service in the English and Mandarin service (April 26th) and in the Cantonese service on May 3rd.
Go. Awareness.
Working on a series of posters to raise awareness for Mission + Ukraine. One of the my main goal from Promo/PR perspective is to develop ways to relate and retain the Mission trip (or Mission in general) in the congregation's minds + prayers. Not just on Sunday, but every day.
Go.Be Inspired.
Lunch hour inspiration.