Email: [email protected]
Hello friends & family!
We're a bit late in wishing you all a great Christmas holiday season & a wonderful start to the new year—but please accept these warm wishes from us and our ask from the Father that your year ahead will be filled with blessing & joy.
Aside from taking some much needed time off (staycation for the win!) to rest and recover, tis Christmas, we were able to host & attend a couple Christmas celebrations. It was a great time to connect with national friends & colleagues, as well as meeting some new people along the way.
As we look back on 2024, without a doubt, we must confess it was a challenging and exhausting year. Lots of travel, lots of uncertainty, lots of change in our roles, in our team's leadership, in the project's direction & goals. Daniel & Eliyah ended the year with illnesses that have been lingering since the start of November, but we are thankful that both of them seem to be moving toward recovery.
With the change to much cooler weather (+20°C actually feels cold to us now, too! ), fires have become more normal—even in the city—as people try to keep warm. This has put pressure on Eliyah's asthma, and we've had to be more aggressive in her treatments over the past few weeks. Please pray with us that her breathing would normalise and that her return to school next week would go smoothely!
2025 is also about to begin with a blast of activity: 3-4 teams will be visiting the project in January alone, and further preparations to host visitors on both ends of our sending org's 'global gathering' event already are underway.
Thank you all for your continued support, your constant intercession & encouragement—without these things, the work here would be seemingly impossible.
All praise to the Father who can do more than anything that we ask or imagine. Pray with us to Him for a fruitful, encouraging year ahead in every place the Kingdom is at work.
Daniel在他能記得之前就認識了耶穌並跟隨祂。在他的祈禱中很常會說,“我會為祢做任何事,上帝,只要不是宣教”,直到他在聖經營服務時,放棄了最後一句話。 10個月之後,他在一個他幾乎沒有聽聞過的國家擔任起教學宣教士。那次的經歷改變了Daniel的觀點,使他變得非平凡了。
Daniel 和 Carla在一個邊緣化、不歡迎公開分享有關耶的“Creative Access”國家事奉,他們的事工團隊尋求干預並主動地打擊人口剝削和人口販賣。他們領導該項目的各個部分,包括咖啡館經營的諮詢、門徒培訓和屬靈支持以及系統整合。
About CMA
Daniel 和 Carla的差會是加拿大宣道差會,該差會的存在是為了在世界各地增加門徒,透過專注於祈禱、領導力、事工、管理和整體効力來實現成為跟隨基督的人。加拿大宣道差會,成立於 1880 年代, 委身於耶穌和祂的使命,他們差派人們在當地和全球履行使命,成為目標以基督為中心、聖靈充滿、專注使命的運動。