Janet Snyder

  • Dear Praying Friend,
    "Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among
    the peoples!" Psalm 105:1


    1. Thankful for the teacher trainers in the Caribbean and their dedication to equipping others and faithfulness to their calling.

    2. Grateful for the opportunity to join the CMI Graduation through a
      live stream. Six graduated from the Caribbean.  They worked diligently and
      faithfully for three months.  The joy and glow was shining on their faces.

    3. Praise for the Christmas Party Club trainings that are taking place
      across the Caribbean and around the world.

    4. Praise the Lord for the Christmas Party Clubs that have taken place
      this month in schools, churches and wherever children can be gathered.   


    1. The Little Kids Can Know God Seminar was a huge success!  God did
      above and beyond all that we could have asked or thought.  Even though it
      was postponed due to the hurricane, 270 joined online over the weekend.
      Several of the instructors were having electricity/internet issues but when
      it was time for them to teach all was well. The attendees were eager,
      interactive, and their burden for little ones grew. Pray many preschool GNCs
      will begin from the teachers that attended.   

    2. Pray for the CMI students as they returned home after being away
      from home for three months. Some are just starting in the ministry and
      others are returning home to continue to build their ministry. We are
      grateful for them and look forward to how God will use them. Pray as they
      settle into home and the ministry.

    3. Pray God will open doors to the day care centers and elementary
      schools for the Christmas Party Clubs and those trained will be committed to
      teaching clubs. Bonaire and Aruba are embarking on their first year of doing
      Christmas Party Clubs. Ask God for His abundant fruitfulness with the
      children and the ministry.

    4. Haiti is in desperate need of our prayers. Our staff has shared that
      it is getting much worse. Guersie shared, "Pray that the Lord can give us
      peace in the country. Nowadays, things are really hard, a lot of stressful
      situations. But we know that God will continue to protect us and provide for
      our needs." 

    5. Plans are continuing for the French Dynamics of Teacher Training
      Course for February/March 2025. In February it will be on Zoom and March we
      will meet in person.  We are praying for 18 students from 6 countries:
      French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Martin, Haiti, and Quebec. Pray
      with us for the needed finances for the students to travel and the visas.

    I so appreciate your partnership in prayer and so thankful I could share
    some of God's wonderful works and join in prayer for upcoming opportunities.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. May it be abundantly


我在美國Pennsylvania 的鄉村小鎮長大,每週我們的公車司機都會把我們送到鄰居家去參加Good News Club。每週我都會從兩位忠心的老師那𥚃聽到神的愛和救恩。當我十歲時的一個星期,我接受了基督為我的救主。

當我12歲時,我有機會在我家鄉教會的Vacation Bible School (VBS)幫手。就在這裡,我很快意識到自己熱愛與孩子們一起工作並教導他們聖經。大學畢業後,我當了幾年小學老師。暑假期間,我在Child Evangelical Fellowship (CEF) 擔任義工,從這些經驗和對領袖的輔導,主呼召我在Child Evangelical Fellowship 全職事奉祂。

我目前在 CEF 的角色
我擔任北美/加勒比地區的教育和文學總監。我負責監督加勒比地區 26 個國家的培訓項目、培訓教師和領導們,裝備和支援教師培訓員。身為文學總監,我負責翻譯和印製法語、荷蘭語、克里奧爾語和帕皮阿門托語的文獻出版。

About Child Evangelism Fellowship Canada (CEF Canada)
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) 成立於 1937 年,其使命是向男、女孩傳播主耶穌基督的福音,並以神的話語和當地教會的基督徒生活來建立門徒。主要的事工是在學年期間的Good News Clubs 和 整個夏季的5-Day Clubs 。義工們為要接觸全球 200 多個國家的兒童而接受培訓。每個孩子、每個國家、每一天。