12.05.2021 A People on the Move 全民起動 - Calvin Sun



  1. What can we learn from Peter’s obedience in Acts 10? In what ways, can we identify with Peter’s journey?

  2. In what ways can I (or with my small groups) grow my connections with the other congregations and or generational groups (i.e.children/youth)?

  3. Devotions: As part of the Christmas season, reflect on Psalm 67. How has God blessed us? What do you see when you read verse 4, “Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,…”?
    靈修:在聖誕節期間,思想詩篇 67。上帝如何賜福我們?當你讀到第 4 節“讓列國都高興,歡呼……”時,你看到了什麼?

  4. Prayer Challenge: Ask God for an opportunity this Christmas season to reach out to someone who is not like yourself (i.e. ethnicity, economic class, generations). Whether it is a coworker for coffee, a chance encounter to pray for a stranger, or an invitation to a gathering. See what door God wants you to open this Christmas?