Email: [email protected]
Larry—I attended the Urbana mission conference in 1987 while I was working as an engineer at IBM. During the conference, I responded to God’s call to serve Him overseas due to the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20. That led to eventually going to Japan as a 2 year term missionary with the EFCA. During that time, I made a deeper commitment to become a career missionary to Japan. I met my wife, Bella, on the mission field and God blessed us with two children, Timothy and Tiffany.
Bella—While I was attending Bible school in Canada, God gave me the burden for Japan through the sharing of missionaries. I was sent to Japan through the EFC of Hong Kong as a missionary until I met Larry on the mission field and were married in Hong Kong.
Our Current Role
We have started Sendai Izumi Church in Sendai City. We teach Outreach English classes at Sendai Izumi Church and also at community centers (when invited) as a means to reach out to our community. In the past, we also spent a few years serving the Tsunami victims while we were church planting the Sendai Izumi Church. We have a small congregation and we meet every Sunday for worship, weekly prayer meeting and hold Outreach English classes weekly.
About EFCA
We are serving with the EFCA ReachGlobal and EFC of China – Hong Kong Overseas Mission Board.
EFC of China – Hong Kong Overseas Mission Board Purpose: Spread the Gospel to the whole world and benefit all peoples by spreading the Word.
EFCA ReachGlobal Purpose: Focus is to invest in disciplemakers to establish the church where the gospel isn’t known.