Read more about Christ-honoring transformation and why we share the gospel with least-reached people.
[email protected] 517-732-4353
[email protected] 517-526-5614
Sam: I was raised in a Christian home and I followed my parents when they went to church. When I was a teenager, I attended a Billy Graham’s evangelistic meeting and I made decision to follow Christ. When I was a high school teacher, I felt I need to be equipped to reach out to to high school kids, so I decided to go to seminary. During the mission course, I found there are many unreached people groups in India. At that time, I knew I would like to go to India to share the gospel with them.
Colleen: While working for the Department of Natural Resources in a rustic park, while working, my boss would always share the gospel with me. After a couple years of sharing and praying, I finally really understood what the scriptures he was sharing meant, and on June 10, 1981, I repented and started following Jesus.
My Current Role in Christar
We are ministering in Dearborn, MI, home of the largest Arab Muslim population in the US. We work along with a church in Dearborn teaching ESL during the week, hosting a Friday night outreach, visitation, and participating in another city wide outreach called Jiran, a time of Arab/English singing and Bible storying. We also give on-line training for an organization in HK called Oasis, who train Nepalis in HK for pastoral work.
Alliance Seminary HK: Sam just completed mentoring 2 D.Miss students and they have us both as second readers for their D.Miss program.
Writing is also a continuing ministry. Sam continues writing for Christian Times from HK.
Columbia International University: Sam continues to teach as an on-line professor to students in the mainland.
About Christar
Christar workers PARTICIPATE by planting churches in these LEAST-REACHED communities, where He is yet to be worshiped. The vision of Christar is to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshiped.
Christ-honoring transformation speaks to the process as well as the outcome. In the establishment of indigenous churches, we pursue a Christ-honoring influence on the community at large. As workers who partner with God in His work, we are a part of the transformation process that God is bringing about. God’s promise in Revelation 5:9 is clear. People from every tongue, tribe, people and nation will worship God in eternity.
Our vision is to go to those people who are not accounted for in the eternal roll call of nations!