Scripture Passages for Further Study
* Genesis 2:15
* Proverbs 14:23
* Ecclesiastes 3:22
* Colossians 3:23
* Luke 10:38-42
Questions for Thought & Discussion
1. Is your personal view of work a necessary evil, an enjoyable experience or a
combination of these two?
2. What is your biggest challenge in your work world and how does your faith come
into play?
3. How do you keep work from infringing on your other important aspects of your
4. Do you feel your work is a calling? Why or why not?
This Week’s Application Activity
Ask someone who knows you well their view on the “work” part of your life? Do
they feel you need to work harder? Do they perceive you as a workaholic?
What advice would they offer you in regard to your work world?
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
looks like work!’
– Thomas A. Edison