10.03.2021 All In With Our Resources: Time And Money - Randy Rohrick

Scripture Passages for Further Study
* Romans 12:1-3
* 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
* Ephesians 5
* Matthew 23:23

Activity & Discussion

1. Do you usually give from your resources out of guilt or an attitude of gratitude
or a mixture of both? Explain.

2. Between time and money which is easier for you to give? Why?

3. Do I accept that with-holding my resources means missing out on blessing? We
will reap what we sow.

This Week’s Application Activity

Consider that the Lord desires us to be all His! With this in mind consider the giving and spending of our God-given resources of time and money. Do adjustments need to be made?


God’s ways are never meant to be burdensome, but life-giving.