10.15.2023 - "AI" - Pastor Calvin

Scriptures: Genesis 1: 26-28, Colossians 2:8

With this unique topic on Artificial Intelligence, below are a set of devotionals, discussion questions, and a summary created by an AI (PulpitAI.com) from this message:


Have you ever wondered how far can the roots of artificial intelligence reach in the fabric of our lives? Can we imagine an AI application capable of distinguishing a weed in your yard or assisting your non-English-speaking grandparent to read an English timetable? As we ride the wave of technological advancement, we are profoundly aware that it is God who leads us through life, and we seek his wisdom and strength in this intricate matrix of life and technology.

As the phenomenon of artificial intelligence propels us into uncharted territories, we find ourselves staring at existential questions about our identity and value as human beings. What happens when something that we craft starts to resemble us? These pivotal queries need our urgent attention, and we explore them through a God-centered lens. Our conversation takes us on a profound journey examining the essence of being human.

In the final segment, we take a deep dive into the three pillars defining our human identity - rationality, functionality, and relationality, and we use these elements to fathom how our uniqueness stems from the image of God. We ponder whether artificial intelligence can mirror the same value or is it just another tool in our hands. While AI is capable of generating solutions, we must remember that the weight of the decisions we make rests on our human shoulders. Finally, we explore how AI can mirror God's creation and pave the way for spiritual discussions, drawing upon insights from Jason Thacker's book, 'The Age of AI.' We conclude with a reminder that our worth and unique value to God can't be replicated by any machine, and our salvation lies not in what we can create, but in the One who has created us.


Day 1:

Bible Reading: Genesis 1:26-28

Devotional: Reflect on the notion that we are made in God's image and have been given dominion over all other creations. Consider how this divine commandment has been mirrored in our technological advancements, such as AI. In the sermon, we discussed how we, as humans, are unique in our rationality, functionality, and relationality, all of which reflect God's image. As you read the scripture, meditate on the meaning of being made in God's image.

Day 2:

Bible Reading: Colossians 1:15-17

Devotional: Ponder on the supremacy of Christ over all creation, including the technology we create. The sermon emphasizes that every aspect of creation, including our technological advancements, falls under the lordship of Christ. As you read the scripture, consider how we can honor Christ in our use and development of technology.

Day 3:

Bible Reading: Genesis 9:6

Devotional: Reflect on the sanctity of human life as being made in the image of God. In the sermon, we explored how AI can never truly replicate the unique value of human life, which is rooted in the image of God. As you read the scripture, meditate on the importance of respecting all human life, despite the rise of technology that might challenge our identity and value.

Day 4:

Bible Reading: James 3:9-12

Devotional: Consider our responsibility as image bearers of God in how we use our tongues. The sermon discusses how while AI can mimic our speech and actions, it doesn't hold the same responsibility and value as we do. As you read the scripture, ponder on how you can use your words to bless and not curse, reflecting the image of God.

Day 5:

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:13-16

Devotional: Reflect on the unique and intricate design of each human being by God. In the sermon, we discussed how our worth and unique value to God can't be replicated by any machine. As you read the scripture, marvel at God's intricate work in creating you and every other human being, and consider how you can honor God's creation in the age of AI.

Discussion Questions:

1. The sermon discussed the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to challenge our identity and value as human beings. In what ways do you see AI influencing our understanding of self?

2. How do you reconcile the advancements in technology, especially AI, with the belief that God is the ultimate creator and guide of our lives?

3. How can we maintain our unique value and worth in God's eyes amidst the growing influence of AI in our daily lives?

4. Discuss the three pillars defining our human identity as mentioned in the sermon - rationality, functionality, and relationality. How do these elements distinguish us from AI?

5. How can Christians engage with the rapidly advancing technology like AI without compromising their faith and understanding of God's creation?

6. Reflecting on the sermon, do you believe AI can mirror God's creation or is it merely a tool? Why or why not?

7. How can we use the rise of AI to lead to spiritual discussions and deepen our understanding of God's creation?

8. The sermon highlighted the importance of remembering that while AI can generate solutions, it is ultimately humans who are held responsible for the decisions we make. Discuss your thoughts on this perspective.

9. How can we ensure that the development and use of AI aligns with God's intention for His creation?

10. Considering the insights from the sermon, how can we responsibly engage with AI while reaffirming our worth and unique value to God?

10.08.2023 - Sex! - Pastor Randy

Questions for Thought & Discussion:

  1. How would you compare a secular view of sex vs. a biblical view?

  2. What were you taught as a teen about sex from your upbringing?

  3. What is your current struggle in the world of sex?

10.01.2023 - Gender Bender - Pastor Randy

Scripture Passages for Further Study

Genesis 1:27, Romans 15:7, Psalm 139:13, Romans 12:2, James 3:17, Galatians 5:22,23

Questions for Thought & Discussion

1) Have you ever struggled or known someone who has struggled with gender issues? What do you see as the tension?

2) What do you understand the Bible teaches about genderism?

3) How does this view influence the way you live out your life with family, friends and acquaintances?

4) How do we respond when another believer may have a different opinion about such a topic as genderism?

This Week's Application Activity

Ensure that in all social issues we are to be/speak biblical truth in love. Therefore, spend some with the Lord asking for wisdom as we live in a diverse world and culture.


Seek first to understand…then to be understood.

07.30.2023 - Sabbath: A Day In The Life - Pastor Adriel

Questions for thought and discussion:

  1. Author or Pastor Rich Villodas says, “Sabbath is an invitation to a life that isn’t dominated and distorted by overwork.” What do you think about this statement?

  2. In what ways can your Sabbath shift your heart, mind, and soul from “productivity” to “presence”, namely the presence of God?

Key points:

  • Sabbath reminds us that as followers of Jesus, we are ultimately not “DO” people but “DONE” people.

  • Sabbath is not a reward for hard work.

  • Sabbath is a reminder that our work remains incomplete.

  • Sabbath is a day that moves us from production to presence.

  • Sabbath points us to the deeper rest we need.

07.16.2023 - A Refreshing Life - Pastor Randy

Scriptures: Psalm 46, John 3:1-17, James 1

Questions for thought & discussion:

  1. What one word describes my current walk with God and why have I chosen this word?

  2. What part does God’s word play in my decision making?

  3. Who am I finding it difficult to love these days? Why? What might the Lord want me to do about this?!

  4. What are 3 things I am thankful for at this point in my life?

This week’s application activity:

Talk to a close friend and share your answers to these questions and be open to their response!

Remember: God’s wisdom, choices and good ideas are based on His love for us.