EMOT Mother's Day Feature: Ashley

We would like to introduce you to our English Ministry Operational Team (EMOT): Pastor Randy(lead), Pastor Calvin (assistant), Pastor Adriel (youth), Stephen Pun (chairperson/Christian Education), James Pan (worship deacon), Renee Tung (outreach deacon), Ashley (outreach deacon) and Glenna (care deacon). The EMOT is here to serve our English congregation church family! We thought it would be fun to ask the team about their moms leading up to Mothers Day.
Here's Ashley and her mom!!

**What was your relationship like with your mom growing up and what is your relationship like now?**

I think my mom was under a lot of stress when I was growing up. She took my brother and I to many different lessons, and also had to juggle so many duties as a stay at home mom. With all her responsibilities, it could sometimes put strain on our relationship. Now that I'm an adult with my own family, I think our relationship has changed for the better!! I can always call up my mom if I need help or have questions. I love when she comes by to visit the grandkids cuz we get to chat and catch up as well.

**What would you like to say to her?**

Thank you for showing your love through your actions mom. I remember you used to get up extra early to make me a hot lunch since I hated sandwiches and taking leftovers. I didn't know it then, but now I definitely know how much you had to love me in order to do that.

Also, I'm sorry for teasing you when you used to say you didn't know what to make for dinner. I always thought it would be a no-brainer....and BOY...WAS I WRONG. Thank you for always keeping us well fed with your cooking!

**Now that you’re on your own, what do you appreciate most about your mom?**

I appreciate that you look after my family too!! The food, the soups, the time spent at my house...Thank you for always being there for me!