How do we engage people experiencing homelessness?
Aaron: Hello South E-Free, I’m Aaron, Co-Chair of South E-Free’s Homelessness Taskforce.
Glenna: Hello! And I’m Glenna, Caring Deacon and member of the Homelessness Taskforce.
Aaron: And together, we’d like to invite you to the upcoming workshop at our church called Engaging Vulnerable Persons happening this upcoming Saturday September 23, 2023 at 4:30PM in the Sanctuary. (Event has since passed but slides and info are below!)
Glenna: Aaron, before we get into it, maybe we should share a bit about what our task force is about?
Aaron: Good point Glenna! Well, this task force is made up of a diverse group of individuals from all 3 congregations, including ministry leads, church support staff, and ministry staff all working together to enhance South E-Free’s response to our increasing interactions with vulnerable people in our community. Specifically, those experiencing homelessness.
Glenna: Yes, ever since the pandemic, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in the number of incidents and this team was specifically formed to help us balance our duties to love and care for all people, while at the same time reducing harm to both the vulnerable person and our church community.
Aaron Li our Subject Area Expert on Homelessness with experience from the Calgary Homeless Foundation
Aaron: Over the past year, the task force has been taking a deep dive into our historic responses and through consultation with subject matter experts, including the Salvation Army, helped to create new standardized protocols and procedures to help guide our church's response in the future.
Glenna (R) promoting ways to get involved in our community including the “Door Welcome Team” who often are the first to engage vulnerable persons. James (L) our Worship Deacon has attended a Taskforce info session in the past and has called the Alpha House mobile response team before to assist vulnerable persons sleeping on our doorsteps during worship practice.
Glenna: We’ve added a new door welcome team, a community resource and contact list, as well as creating training and awareness opportunities to better equip our Church members.
Aaron: And this is where the upcoming Engaging Vulnerable Persons workshop comes in. Presented by Calgary Alpha House. At this session, you'll learn more about our city’s current situation regarding homelessness, factors that lead someone to become homeless, as well as what to do when you come across someone who might be experiencing homelessness.
Glenna: If you aren't familiar with Alpha House they are one of Calgary's main emergency shelters and they provide a wide range of resources to support people experiencing homelessness and addictions, including housing, detox, and outreach, specifically the HELP teams (previously known as the DOAP team)
Aaron: We know that people are hurting out in our community. The pandemic exacerbated the challenges faced by vulnerable people, we’ve seen increasing mental health issues and addiction challenges, in no small part due to the opioid epidemic. Additionally, with the current housing crises, and rising prices of everyday goods, its harder than ever for people to get by.
Glenna: So, if you are ever walking around, taking the train, going to work or school, and see someone lying on the street and don’t know what to do? Well, come out this Saturday and find out Saturday September 23 at 4:30PM in the Sanctuary!
If you missed the presentation not to worry, slides and info below OR contact Alpha House to book an “Engaging Vulnerable Persons” workshop for your group! Questions? Contact [email protected]
If you see vulnerable persons around church and would like some assistance, please call:
Mobile Outreach HELP Team (formerly DOAP Team): 403-998-7388
Calgary Police Non-Emergency Line: 403-266-1234
Needle Response Team: 403-796-5334
Encampment Team: 403-805-7388
Call 911 if it is an overdose, crime or emergency.