Day 5 July 9

Praise God for another great day!   God has been so faithful in answering prayers.  Our final day  went well and we concluded the day with presentations for the parents at the church where many of the staff at the House of Mercy attend.  The team began with a team meeting and prayer.  Our theme today was "planning to pray".  The goal was to  instill  in the children a goal of making plans to pray.  The  Bible memory verse game demonstrated that proper planning leads to prayer and because prayer  should be priority they need to schedule that in.  So the  craft was decorating a day  timer where they would make sure to fit God into their  schedule.   We always ended off the  memory  verse game with a song  that had a number of pauses that allowed for prayers.  The children were  amazing in  that they were always ready and eager to pray.  This song "More, More, More" became a favorite.  Pictures are worth a thousand words so here they are: