July 11, 2010 Sunday update

On Sunday our team worshipped at the church where most of the House of Mercy worship.   Pastor Allan gave his testimony and the children from the House of Mercy and a few children from the community presented the song they learned from the gospel camp.  Following lunch we returned to the inner city Roma camp as they asked us to come and share with them how they can know God.  Pastor Allan and Esther gave their testimonies and Pastor Allan shared with them how to receive Jesus and led in a prayer of invitation.  We shared with them that we would pray for them and as the Lord allows we would one day come back to visit them,

Leaving church worship.

listening intently to our testimonies

Praying for Eve's ear problem

a game of dutch blitz after a swim in the Uzh River

a yummy bbq dinner at Valera's home

roasting potatoes over hot coals

dutch blitz before dinner

Valera learning dutch blitz