Day 12 started off at the Roma settlement for their final morning event. As we arrive the kids were already expecting us.
Today we bought over 2 carpets, one was used right away as seating area for the kids. It really help in settling them down.
We notice how much they loved singing yesterday so we spend more time singing new songs and learning their songs too.
Today we continued on with the Samaritan woman story. A message on identity and how much God values them.
... the sun is shining bright and hot today...
We also had time for an altar call...
After the message we had a game on the carpet. A modified version of a freeze/statue game. During the game, the music helped keep them engaged!
Robyn checking to see who is moving...
After the game we handed out the God's Kingdom Photo card back to them! They were super excited about having their photo on a card! Even some of the adults wanted one...
Here's Victor, we can tell he's a natural leader. Great kid with lots of potentials!
We then passed out some colouring sheet for them to colour...
Everyone including the adults wanted to colour...
As we ended the day with lunch we waved farewell to them...
As Roma camp ended we quickly refocused on to our remaining tasks of the day, the discipleship camp and the visitations...