Day 3: HOM VBS camp started!!

Here comes a very, very long post!! Today is the first day of the VBS Camp at HOM!! After group devotion time we had breakfast with the Roma team and all the translators and helpers!

One of HOM's wonderful chef!!

The Roma team left the centre to their camp site!!

... as registrations for the 78 kids begins! We split the kids into 3 age groups!

We got started with an introduction to the camp and the team!

Through the first part of the morning we did some singing and shared today's theme "No Matter Who You Are... Trust God!"

We also introduced our VBS character, FLASH, who is played by Daniel!!

Colin led today's bible story!! The story of the Roman centurion and Jesus!!

We let one of the kids be a centurion!!

... with her own troops!

After the morning activities, the kids had a bit of free time before lunch!!!

We spend our time playing with all the kids, whether its soccer, racket sports, or the sandbox. We also saw some familiar faces from previous years!

The kids drew some amazing stuff with their chalks!!

Josef wrote something special at the gate! Guess what it means!!!

Daniel wanted a "self portrait" from Ernest....

After lunch we gathered for some more songs!

Here is the game station for day 1! (I am part of the game station team so most pictures will be from here) Each of the outer group was suppose to try and catch the flying ball with a hulu hoop! They catcher team were suppose to follow a leader in catching the ball...

... It's harder than it looks... especially launching the ball...

At the end of the day Colin did a game show in his conclusion!! Guess which can fly? And guess what he's holding lol!!

Afterward the kids came outside for snacks before they head home!

... We had some too!!

Then it was time to say good bye for the day! Their vans are here!

For the rest of the afternoon / evening we hung out with the kids!

The forecast for this coming week is a bit uncertain as there maybe a huge rain storm coming midweek as well as a heatwave! Tomorrow we are expecting 35c!!!!!! The HOM staff decided to build a temporary tarp over the pavement area incase of rain!! Daniel helped kept the tarp up as they moved a playground device under it to hold it up!

As I mentioned before we are expecting some extreme weathers with the rain mid week and heatwave! Please pray that God will sustain us and give us relive from whatever weather that may come upon us!!