Materials Board Deadline & Commissioning Prayer

Our deadline has come and gone!

To all the congregations of SCCEFC, to all the visitors who saw and participated, and to you, dear reader: we couldn't have done it without you.

Due to your generous contributions, we have completely met and exceeded sixteen unique material needs important to the mission with the House of Mercy, and partially 

fulfilled another seven material needs. Piles of craft paper, glue, tape, coloring markers and pencil crayons, ziplock bags, shirts, scissors, and even traffic cones and 

disposable chopsticks stand testimony to your outpouring.

Acceptance of public material donations is now closed. If you still have outstanding or late pledges that you wish to fulfill, please get in contact immediately with or 

deliver in person the donations to any member of the Ukraine Short Term Mission. That's Crystal, Calvin, Colin, Tomson, Dan, or me, Andrew.

Finally, the Mandarin Congregation will be having their commissioning prayer for the Ukraine Short Term Mission in this week's service on July 5. The Cantonese Congregation 

and the Chinese Congregation will be having their comissioing prayers on the July 12 services.

We encourage you to attend a service on one of the above dates, to come in fellowship and offer these efforts to God together.