On our first day of camp we met many new children from poor villages as well as the ones from HOM. This year our theme is Rolling River Rampage and throughout the week we find "adventure, acceptance, joy, rest, and peace" on the river.
In each station, the HOM youths lead the story time, craft, games, science, and small groups. It is a huge part of our goal to empower and equipped youths to live and lead for Christ.
But as we develop the current generation of youth leaders, we are reminded that there is another generation growing up after them. The continuing work of discipleship that is the building of relationships and reflecting the relentless love of Christ to the others is not over until Jesus comes again. We are reminded that our mission is not just working on a project or making people more useful or functional, but we are to build relationships as that is God's mission to us: His desire to relate to us, to be our personal friend, king, and saviour, and adopt us as His children.
We celebrated many birthdays in this two weeks.
Ended the evening with some games and volleyball.