The weather this week has been amazing, sunny with cloudy periods. When the kids were out for reflection time, the clouds moved in to provide coverage. The breeze by the mountain side was also a relief when it does get hot. God has been good in giving us some of the best Ukraine weather we've ever experienced!!
Parachute games for day 3 games station!
In the afternoon we had a power outage and ran a secondary power source with their generators. We were afraid we won't have power to pump the water to the field as it is also water games day today! We got the water running and the kids had a great time in the sun!
A few years back we sang the song "Unstoppable" for the G-Force VBS camp here in Ukraine. During the evening, we decided to sing it again with the youths who were in that camp. This is a picture right before Pastor Adriel pulled something (his back/shoulder) in the middle of the song as it is a very physically demanding song. The youth had great memories of that camp and that song.
It is also Olya's birthday today! Picture perfect timing by Adriel.