On Saturday, Daniel and Crystal led the teen leaders in a debrief and evaluation of the children camp. It is encouraging to hear their honest comments and experience as to help one another grow in their leadership. The HOM staff also spent the morning meeting with Pastor Adriel and myself in reviewing our relationship in the past 12 years and what we can focus on together between SCCEFC and HOM. We were excited to see how the Holy Spirit was aligning both our communities vision and we are looking forward to bringing the discussions back to our church.
We brought some Canadian chocolate and candies for everyone to try!
One of the HOM kid combined his crafts!! Genius!
In the afternoon we visited the Mercy Farm. This massive undertaking includes a cafe, vegetable market, kitchen (including flash freezing to deliver food to remote villages), hydroponic greenhouses, storehouses, and hectares (30?) of farmland. There is a huge need for workers and business professionals here as many workers often leave for another EU country for higher wages. The farm pays quite well here in Ukraine, but it is difficult to compare to other European countries.
During one of our meetings Vasya and Valera brought out the recorders from the first ever camp with our church. They bring back many great memories for everyone.