After an exciting week at Mercy Camp, everyone gathered at the House of Mercy for a final celebration. New and old faces gathered as people lined up to share encouragements, reminisce the events of the past two weeks, as well as memories from previous years. Tears, laughter, smiles, and stories were shared as we ate pizza on the terrace. How amazing is it to see the children who attended camp from a decade ago now step up and lead their own camp!? The fire in their hearts are truly encouraging to us and a testament of God’s love.
A dance to celebrate the VBS week!
We capped off the night with our usual game of volleyball, although we knew this time, we wouldn’t be able to ask for a rematch when we lost. After a game, we were surprised with a teen we haven’t seen in a couple years, ERIK! We were able to catch up and listen to what God has been doing in his life over the past few years! The rest of the evening consisted of goodbyes and hugs. It’s never easy to leave Ukraine, but we know this isn’t goodbye, but a see you again. Our love of Christ is what keeps us close even though we’re continents away.
Daniel, Hanne, and myself ending up sitting outside on the terrace late into the evening with a couple of the teens at HoM. Bohdan serenaded us until midnight as we gazed off into the starry night not knowing any of the constellations in the sky.
Building stronger relationships is a primary reason why I go to Ukraine. It’s been over 13 years since SCCEFC first came to Uzhgorod and every year we have our summer family reunion. We get to see our brothers and sisters, our aunts and uncles, our nieces and nephews, and that neighbor who just shows up because they heard that our family is amazing and want’s to be part of it. Our family in Christ is amazing, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter your language or age, your hobbies or skills, we can all find joy knowing that the one thing we all have in common in greater than all the differences we have. Слава Богу