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Here are some prayer requests for the upcoming weeks and months:
Upcoming Winter Outreaches: Campuses across Canada are running events to engage students in thoughtful discussions about faith, culture, science, life, and more and to serve as a launching point for more important conversations.
Mission Trips:
-Pray for students: Pray that God would help students know how to be involved with a mission trip—whether it’s applying to go on a mission trip, supporting a friend financially, or praying for a specific partnership.
Pray for those who are still considering going. Pray for them as they think about mission trips and discern whether God is calling them to go this year. The deadline to apply for summer mission trips is January 31, 2025.
-Pray for mission trip directors: Pray for staff who are working on details on each of our mission trips. Pray that God would open up doors and give direction and peace to each of our leaders.Winter Retreats: Winter Retreats are happening throughout January and February all across the country. Pray that this time would be one where every student would understand better the mission of God and their role in it and be equipped to take a next step.
Please let me know if you need any further information or would like more prayer points.
Thank you,
当我上小学时,在一个儿童营会中,我祈祷并邀请主进入我的心内,我就成为了一个基督徒。当我长大后,我记得我问过一些关于信心和如何能实践在我生活中的问题。在我青少年和青年时期,主不断地教导我要更多的认识祂自己,以及帮助别人认识祂的重要性。在大学期间,我参与了 P2C-Students事工,就在那里,我开始学习如何帮助其他人向耶稣迈出他的下一步。
我目前在 P2C-Students事工的角色
我是Power to Change - Students事工 的開發團隊經理,負責監督我們所有本國的籌款活動。這包括協調所有定期捐款者的聯繫、籌款任務和致謝。我還幫助培訓和協助我們的同工進行自己個人事工的籌款活動。
About Power to Change
Power to Change 是一个由 10 个事工带着共同目的,就是让加拿大和全世界认识耶稣,而组成的大家庭,。我们的事工于 1967 年在大学校园开始,名为Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada。今天,我们为学生、市场领导者、运动员、家庭、边缘化群体、国际人道主义援助以及许多其他人提供服务,帮助他们体会耶稣基督改变生命的大能。
Power to Change - Students事工 的存在是为了「帮助学生向耶稣迈出他的下一步」。我们是一个为加拿大各地的学院和大学的学生提供服务的校园事工。我们的异象是要看到每个学生更接近耶稣,并在祂𥚃面经历生命。